Jaungada pirmajos trīs raidījumos apskatīsim labāko skanējušo albumu apkopojumus.Iesākam ar labāko EP (mazformāta albums līdz 30 min.) TOP 25.

Spotify listē ir apkopotas dziesmas no skanējušajām TOP 25 EP.

25."Vajra" - 2 EP "Irkalla" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/0DRmdlKs18E9QoIFrWlUmT
24."Oginalii" - 2 EP "Pendulum" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/7M9dgxquowIaYYlJx0HxQ
23."Sacoyans" - debut EP "Yomosue" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/2xYDTeOmxDLWYqqmrqKiJS
22."Lithia" - debut EP "Sleepwaker" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/43LvNP0DIGQYF8mJralHgT
21."Pinkshift" - debut EP "Saccharine" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/35LfBQWwFx2xgH6Z12ZiHQ
20."Morning Moon" - 2 EP "Morning Moon" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/0q4q4bP9kfdexIiBvi5dx6
19."Forever Honey" - debut EP "Pre-Mortem High" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/5jUTDQYJZmjjJEqiXj4LOA
18."Plums" - 2 EP "Episode" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/3nsHrQgKzKJhzj4HtJkzRk
17."Blankat" - debut EP "Blanket" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/3nsHrQgKzKJhzj4HtJkzRk
16."Hello Luna" - 2 EP "Dear Demons" (2019) https://open.spotify.com/album/6HwW4R2CrP16KF4yfmbkGv
15."Culenasm" - 3 EP "Eyes On You" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/6rTZHZ33CR20wYcvtTysOb
14."Fers" - debut EP "Shallow" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/5BMOKRrC9FaAUh3BVtSiXv
13."Warm" - 3 EP "What`s Done In the Dark" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/34iQdKmJETuDlV8dVYj32b
12."Lunation Fall" - debut EP "Near" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/1g6tScZg7DnuZ7gEhZ2PYA
11."Radium Jaw" - debut EP "Faded Out" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/060bt75Nz0P0UTqw2RVrSe
10."Pave the Jungle" - debut EP "The Hissing" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/5MF6LZBAaJC6o8zfMl69fr
9."Graywave" - debut EP "Planetary Shift" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/3U1QYYVnbwY9aJ671M0Bcl
8."Petrov" - 2 EP "Flower Bed" (2020) https://open.spotify.com/album/2JDfOCrf0eJqE5mNDnbE9g
7."City Ghost" - 2 EP "Gray" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/3kFbAENphORyXM9JGTrQvb
6."Bleach Lab" - 2 EP "Nothing Feels Real" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/48dh67dyGGGjE2uMPpJNE3
5."Neon Cathedral" - debut EP "Velvet" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/5Vgm1Kh33YL9koJUxDv96x
4."隐海乐队The Hidden Sea" - debut EP "Hidden Signs 隐匿征兆" (2021) https://streetvoice.com/BassTrap/songs/album/97317284/
3."Of All Living Things" - debut EP "On Familiar Ground" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/24KRhUar4jbfnFh29iOfnJ
2."Observer" - debut EP "Observer" (2019) https://open.spotify.com/album/7JxDnGKMSodrUMV6HuXeqm
1."You,Nothing" - debut EP "Lonely//Lovely" (2021) https://open.spotify.com/album/1RVcrSUjcaxy78HrV9Us1x


"Culenasm" - "眩しくて"
"Fers" - "Mermainds"
"Warm" - "Can We Just Stay Here?"
"Lunation Fall" - "Mercury"
"Radium Jaw" - "Withdrawal"
"Pave The Jungle" - "Fix"
"Graywave" - "Before"
"Petrov" - "Temper"
"City Ghost" - "Forget About It"
"Bleach Lab" - "Talk It Out"
"Neon Cathedral" - "Drab"
"隐海乐队The Hidden Sea" - "Disguise"
"Of All Living Things" - "Gone"
"Observer" - "Samscara"
"You,Nothing" - "How You Ever" (H.Y.E.)