Raidījumā apskatīsim deviņas dažādu žanru grupas ar pēdējā pusgada jaunumiem no Kanādas.

Pirmoreiz raidījumā ar debijas EP "Inspace" (2021) Hamiltonas (ON) "stoner/hc" kvartets "Planned Dilemma", un ar debijas LP "Worshipper" (2020) Toronto (ON) "garage/postpunk" kvartets "Peeling", kura līderi ir Anna Timošenko un basists no Toronto grupas "Dilly Dally".

Vēl no Toronto otro reizi būs "indiepop" kvartets "Low Life Lolas" ar otro EP "Anchors" (2020) un trešo reizi "dreampop" kvartets "Vallens" ar otro LP "In Era" (2021).

Agrāk apskatīts grupas debijas LP "Consent" (2016) un EP "Dimmed In My Display" (2018).Grupas līdere un dziesmu autore ir Robyn Phillips.

Trešo reizi no Mondreālas (QB) būs eksperimentālā postmetāla trio "Big ‡ Brave" ar jauno ceturto LP "Vital" (2021). Agrāk apskatīts grupas otrais LP "Ardor" (2017) un trešais LP "A Gaze Among Them" (2019).

Otro reizi ar debijas LP "Motion" (2020) būs Edmontonas (AL) "indiepop" kvartets "The Den". 2016.gadā apskatījām grupas debijas EP "Animal Manor" (2016).

Raidījuma noslēguma daļā būs trīs grupas no Vankūveras (BC). Pirmoreiz "hc/punk/postpunk" trio "Lié" ar piekto EP "You Want It Real" (2020) , "garage/indiepop" kvartets "Alex Little and The Suspicious Minds" ar tikko izdoto debijas LP "Waiting to Get Paid" (2021) un otro reizi ar jaunu EP "Diamond Heights" (2020) "psychpop/shoegaze" kvintets "Did You Die".

Spēlētās dziesmas:

1."Planned Dilemma"-"Without You"
2."Low Life Lolas"-"Portraits"
4."Peeling"-"Cold Hands"
5."The Den"-"Suit , Suite"
7."Vallens"-"Come Home"
8."Big ‡ Brave"-"Half Breed"
9."Lié"-"Digging In the Desert"
10."Did You Die"-"You`re Something I Need"
11."Alex Little and The Suspicious Minds"-"Across the City"
12."Alex Little and The Suspicious Minds"-"Grave"

Audio un video:

"Planned Dilemma" - "Without You"
"Low Life Lolas" - "Portraits"
"Peeling" - "Suck"
"Peeling" - "Cold Hands"
"The Den" - "Suit , Suite"
"Vallens" - "Ingrid"
"Vallens" - "Come Home"
"Big ‡ Brave" - "Half Breed"
"Big ‡ Brave" - "Vital"(Full Album)
"Lié" - "Digging In the Desert"
"Did You Die" - "You`re Something I Need"
"Alex Little and The Suspicious Minds" - "Across the City"(live)
"Alex Little and The Suspicious Minds" - "Grave"