Raidījumā apskatīsim astoņas grupas no Lielbritānijas un vienu no Īrijas. Divas būs otro reizi.

Braitonas "dreampop" duets "Dreams of Empire" gadu pēc debijas LP "Nothing's Ever Finished" (2019) izdevis labu otro LP "Encapsulation" (2020).

Edinburgas "dark/neoclasical" māksliniece "Maud the Moth" (Madridē dzimusī Amaya López-Carromero) piecus gadus pēc otrā LP "The Inner Wastelands" (2015) izdevusi trešo LP "Orphnē" (2020). Izcils žanra produkts. 2013.gadā apskatījām viņas debijas LP "Home Futile Home" (2012).

Kā parasti vairākas jaunās "dreampop" grupas izdevušas debijas EP: Mančesteras duets "Atmos Bloom" ar EP "Atmos Bloom" (2020) , Liverpūles kvartets "Become the Sky" ar EP "Aurora" (2019), būs arī singls velsiešu valodā "Teimlo Fel Chwyldro" (2020), Līdsas jaunā solomāksliniece "Bored at My Grandmas Home" (Amber Strawbridge) ar EP "Sometimes I Forget You`re Human Too" (2021), Braitonas kvintets "Peachblood" ar EP "Longing Sky" (2020).

Vēl no Kārdifas (Velsa) ar otro EP "Fine" (2020) būs "indiepop" kvintets "Rosehip Teahouse" un no Līdsas ar ceturto EP "Dear Natalie" (2019) "indie" kvartets "Crake".

No Īrijas būs Dublinas "emo" kvintets "The Winter Passing" ar otro LP "New Ways of Living" (2020).


1."Atmos Bloom"-"Salts"
2."Become the Sky"-"Violent Skies"
3."Become the Sky"-"Teimlo Fel Chwyldro"
4."Peachblood"-"The Light of Other Days"
5."Dreams of Empire"-"Hidden Girl"
6."Dreams of Empire"-"Broken Keys"
7."Bored at My Grandmas House"-"Skin"
9."Rosehip Teahouse"-"A Million Times"
10."Maud the Moth"-"Ecdysis"
11."The Winter Passing"-"Mind Yourself"

"Atmos Bloom" - "Salts"
"Become the Sky" - "Violent Skies"
"Become the Sky" - "Teimlo Fel Chwyldro"
"Peachblood" - "The Light of Other Days"
"Dreams of Empire" - "Hidden Girl"
"Dreams of Empire" - "Broken Keys"
"Bored at My Grandmas House" - "Skin"
"Crake" - "Glycerin"
"Rosehip Teahouse" - "A Million Times"
"Maud the Moth" - "Ecdysis"
"Maud the Moth" - "Orphnē" (Full album)
"The Winter Passing" - "Mind Yourself"