Šonedēļ raidījumā mūzika no jaudīgiem aprīlī iznākušiem albumiem. "Bleķīgāk" nekā ierasts.

Black/doom metal no Īslandes "Sól án varma - Sól án varma".
Black metal no Ķīnas "Ὁπλίτης -Τρωθησομένη".
Black metal no Teksasas "Portrayal of Guilt - Devil Music".
Amerikāņu noise rock grupu "Nerver" un "Chat Pile" Split EP "Brother in Christ".
Post-punk no Čikāgas "FACS - Still Life in Decay". Sól án varma - Afbrigði I
Sól án varma - Afbrigði V
Ὁπλίτης - Οὐλομένη
Ὁπλίτης - Ἔκτρωμα
Portrayal of Guilt - Where Angels Come to Die
Portrayal of Guilt - Devil Music
Nerver - Kicks in the Sky
Nerver - The Nerve
Chat Pile - King
Chat Pile - Cut
FACS - Constellation
FACS - When You Say
FACS - Slogan